When you do what you love, it doesn't feel like work.

Over the years of my career I've had some great opportunities to work in motivating and inspiring roles.  Early in my career I received a degree in Photography and then went back to school for Computer Science and Business administration.  It's been interesting to see the worlds of Photography and Computer Science converge as photography moved away from film and into the digital world.  Now, you can carry an entire photographic workflow on the phone in your pocket, which makes everyone a photographer as they move about in their personal lives.  The difference between a true photographer and a citizen photographer is the focus on the outcome of the action of taking photographs.  The most impressive and compelling images are those that strike an emotional chord within the viewer.  An image that was designed to do so. For me, it also has to be an image I could look at for hours and develop additional thoughts and emotions around the image.  Printing and framing an image allows the audience to not only decorate their home or office, but also be inspired by the image in whatever moves them about the image.  Art can bring about spiritual, emotional and social change.  The notion that artwork is for mere decoration in the home or workplace underestimates the true impact to provide inspiration, motivation, creativity and emotional ties to experiences that have come and gone.  The time has come where I want to focus on providing the world inspiration and motivation that have emotional ties.  This is why we are creating Good Medicine Galleries.  In future months we will be setting up shop to bring images to the world that have meaning.  Come back and visit regularly and like our Facebook page to see what's going on in the world around us.  I look forward to your interaction and hope to being inspirational artwork you would like to share with your friends and family.  When I work on photography, it's a passion that does not feel like work.